Brunch on a Boat! Grand Banks, NYC

Brunch on a Boat! Grand Banks, NYC

WanderingSnow is a storytelling-based lifestyle blog based in New York City run by Ellie Z. The name is derived from a combination of her interest in wandering discoveries through travel and food with her Chinese name Xue, which means snow.

Resident of New York City, Southern girl at heart, and Chinese roots in origin, this is a glimpse of her journey through the turns and corner of her late 20s onward! 

Shing Mun Reservoir Hike HONG KONG

Shing Mun Reservoir Hike HONG KONG

We only did the western section of the Reservoir and explored Pineapple Dam so this post will most likely be updated at some point. Unlike some of the other hikes, the Reservoir hike gives an illusion that its situated in the middle of nowhere; the views are completely naturesque without any skylines or modern anecdotes which makes it refreshing for a change! Oh, and did I mention the naturesque vibe includes crowds of monkeys that are sometimes aggressive? So watch out!

How to Get There

  • Take the MTR Tsuen Wan Line all the way to Tsuen Wan

  • You can take a minibus or catch a cab from the MTR Tseun Wan Station. It was about a 12 minute ride and $67 HKD ($8.5 USD)

Exploring - Pineapple Dam Trail 

Our cab dropped us off at the main entrance of the Shing Mun Reservoir Park where the Information Center is also located. While the entrance was crowded with many people waiting in line for the ice cream truck as well as the bathroom, the Pineapple Dam Trail we took later on was relatively quiet. 

Monkeys, Monkeys, Monkeys, EVERYWHERE!

Before I even delve into some key points of interest that had breathtaking views, I would just like to say that holy cow, there were wild monkeys everywhere throughout this trail. Amusing at first, but then we found out they are actually very aggressive! So not very amusing after. There were 3 instances where we almost got harassed by the monkeys. And no joke, their hiss while showing the sharp teeth as they approached us - and mind you, some of them were half of my size, was so intimidating that the hike ended up being more stressful than relaxing. 

Potential Monkey Attack 1: One of the first monkeys we saw on the trail, he was resting on the top of a tree. We made eye contact while I was trying to take photos of him on my phone. Throughout the photoshoot, he and I made eye contact and he quickly climbed down from the tree and came for me! I of course screamed, threw my phone in my purse, and ran off. 

Potential Monkey Attack 2: Luckily, the monkeys weren’t coming after us but the group of kids right behind us. The 3 monkeys swooshed right past me on the hiking trail after a group of 4-5 year olds who were with their parents. Hilariously, the kids weren’t even scared and started chasing back the monkeys. I didn’t stay long enough to see what came out of that situation because I was too frazzled!

Potential Monkey Attack 3: This one was the scariest. Pierre was reading the map bulletin to see where we should turn next on the trail. I saw from the corner of my eye that there were 2 monkeys about 3 feet away from him, watching him carefully. I also noticed that they were eyeing his black backpack and suddenly, they started charging at him hissing loudly. Freaking out, I screamed and told him to run; and the monkeys hissed some more and made eye contact towards me with their sharp teeth flashing. My god I swear it was so freakin scary! Luckily, there was a group of middle-aged men nearby and the shooed the monkeys away with their walking sticks. Honestly don’t know what would’ve happened if we were alone on this trail. Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. 

Points of Interests

Besides the potential of getting attacked by monkeys, the Pineapple Dam Trail of the Reservoir was a very pleasant hike! Nestled in between sandy colored sedimentary rocks, the crystal blue colored Pineapple Dam felt like an oasis in the middle of the desert. There is a spot that on the trail that allowed us to go down to the sediment beds for a closer look. Not only does it provide a panoramic scene of the dam, it also has a forested area with incredible view of exposed tree roots. The intertwined vegetation is a picture perfect scene out of a fairytale story from the Grimm Brothers.

In addition, there was a spot in the middle of the trail that had a large section open section of trees with straight beam-like trunks. And luckily, no monkeys there. If I brave myself up again, would love to explore the Eastern-side of the Reservoir, which rumor has it, also has incredible views!

First Impressions: FOSHAN

First Impressions: FOSHAN

Guide to Flower, Goldfish, and Bird Markets, HONG KONG

Guide to Flower, Goldfish, and Bird Markets, HONG KONG