A Day at Disneyland in HONG KONG
I think it’s fair to say that for the majority of girls, Disney and all its associations represent the childhood fantasy of happiness, magic, and imagination. And no doubt, that was definitely the case for me. I remember one of my favorite books growing up was a collection of the Grimm Brothers’ fairy tales and have always dreamt of somehow waking up and being in one.
Although I have been to the various disneys, including the one in Orlando and the one in Paris in my childhood, I have not been to a Disney since 8-years old. Needless to say, I was pretty excited when one of my girlfriends gave me free tickets to Disneyland Hong Kong!
First Impressions
In retrospect, Disneyland Hong Kong is extremely small. But not in a bad way. The overall themes and sections were so thoughtful and well planned and to be honest, although it was small, the more accurate description should be accessible. What a relief it is to be able to enjoy the park in a leisurely manner without feeling like I’ve gone on a 20 mile hike! Luckily, it was also not very crowded the day I was there so the wait for all the rides was no more than 15 minutes. Absolutely fantastic!
Favorite Rides
Iron Man Experience. The ride that left the most impression on me was the Iron Man ride - so well done! Not only did it incorporate the local Hong Kong cityscape into its 3D imagery, but the moving parts of the ride were exciting yet not scary. In fact, it was so fun that we had to do it twice!
Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine Cars. So glad we caught this roller coaster in the last hour prior to the park closing! If I recall correctly, this is a classic ride which other Disney locations also have. The thrill of the sudden surprise of going backwards is so much fun and then reversing back to a much higher speed definitely got my adrenaline pumping!
Space Mountain. Another classic! The most memorable ride I had from visiting Disney during my childhood was Space Mountain. Pitch black and extremely fast. And it was exactly how I remembered it. Not going to lie, this ride gave me some anxiety throughout but I loved it!
Useful Tips
Download the Disney Hong Kong app during your day there. The interactive app is so useful as it not only is a great wayfinding guide but also provides live updates regarding the waiting time at all rides.
Sounds cheesy but I definitely left Disney Hong Kong at the end of the day feeling extremely uplifted, happy, and inspired! As someone who works in PR and marketing, I can definitely say that Disney has their brand down to a T. The details in every corner of the amusement park exudes its branding elements so no wonder I completed my day with such positive emotions.
And so for today’s piece, I hope to conclude in the famed words of Walt Disney as a reminder to both you and myself to stay fierce, stay positive, and stay inspired.
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them”