Brunch on a Boat! Grand Banks, NYC

Brunch on a Boat! Grand Banks, NYC

WanderingSnow is a storytelling-based lifestyle blog based in New York City run by Ellie Z. The name is derived from a combination of her interest in wandering discoveries through travel and food with her Chinese name Xue, which means snow.

Resident of New York City, Southern girl at heart, and Chinese roots in origin, this is a glimpse of her journey through the turns and corner of her late 20s onward! 

Exploring Musée Rodin, Paris France

Exploring Musée Rodin, Paris France

Like the Palais Garnier, Musée Rodin is one of those places in Paris that has always been on my bucket list but I never had the chance to go. Well, this winter, I finally got the opportunity to visit the magnificent museum, located at the 7th arrondissement! Because it was in the middle of the omicron COVID-19 surge, there were only a handful of tourists, no more than 20 total at the museum on this cold December afternoon. I suppose that is only perks of COVID-19 – lack of tourists.

Geometric French Gardens at the Musée Rodin in Paris, France

Musée Rodin located at the Hôtel Biron in Paris, France

Housed in the Hotel Biron, a gorgeous villa in the middle of Paris, with neatly maintained geometric French gardens, the Musée Rodin features many of Auguste Rodin’s famous pieces indoor and outdoors, in a chronological fashion. Interestingly, Rodin also lived and worked in this mansion during his lifetime. Initially, he shared it with other artists, including writer Jean Cocteau, painter Henri Matisse, and dancer Isadora Duncan. But as of 1911, Rodin became Hotel Biron’s sole occupant.

Grand Staircase at Musée Rodin, Paris

Sketch of Rodin at Musée Rodin in Paris, France

Lovers’ Hands in Marble by Auguste Rodin, Musée Rodin, Paris

The Kiss by Rodin, Musée Rodin, Paris

Yours Truly at Musée Rodin, Paris

Views of Paris from Inside Musée Rodin, Paris

In addition to Rodin’s famous works, like Lovers’ Hands, The Walking Man, and The Kiss, the second floor of the museum also features works by some of Rodin’s friends as well as his personal collections. One section of the exhibition featured his collection of Chinese themed sculptures as well as works by Vincent van Gogh.

Because of the location of the mansion, many points throughout the property also provide magnificent views of the Eiffel Tower and the Invalides.

Views of Eiffel Tower from Musée Rodin in Paris, France

Besides the interior of Hotel Biron, the Sculpture Garden of the Musée Rodin also houses many, if not the most famous works of Rodin, including the Gates of Hell and The Thinker. Featuring a rose garden (too bad there weren’t many roses when I visited because it was in the middle of winter), geometric French Garden, and an open park area with a large bronze fountain, the exterior portion of the museum is also equally beautiful and a great place to walk around and enjoy its surroundings.

The Thinker by Auguste Rodin at Musée Rodin in Paris, France

The Three Shades by August Rodin in Bronze at Musée Rodin, Paris

Quick Overview of Musée Rodin


  • $14 euros per person (adult)

  • $6 euros audio guide

  • Free first Sundays of the Month between October and March

  • Tickets include both interior and exterior of the MuseumLocation:


  • 77 Rue de Varenne, 75007 Paris, France

Things to Explore Near Musée Rodin

  • The Invalides (Army Museum where Napoleon’s remains are held)

  • Museum d’Orsay

  • Rue Cler neighborhood for traditional French bistros, cheese shops, and chacuterie shops

  • Eiffel Tower

A necessary selfie with the one and only, The Thinker by Auguste Rodin

2021 at Musée Rodin xoxo

Guide to Paris Flea Market: Puces de Saint Ouen

Guide to Paris Flea Market: Puces de Saint Ouen

Best Chinese Desserts in Hong Kong: Chiu Chow Hop Shing Dessert, Kowloon City

Best Chinese Desserts in Hong Kong: Chiu Chow Hop Shing Dessert, Kowloon City